3 April 2015

Feature & Follow Friday #7

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Every week, 2 blogs will be featured allowing everyone to discover some new blogs!

I would really appreciate it if you followed me through GFC or Bloglovin', leave a comment below and I would definitely follow back! :) You can also follow/friend me through Goodreads or Twitter(Its a new Twitter account, any new followers would be greatly appreciated!)

Question of the week: Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? What was it? 

I used to have this reoccurring nightmare where monsters would chase my family on this endless obstacle course -.- It is very terrifying and seems to get more and more scary with each reoccurrence. It has not happened in a long while though *phew*.

Leave links to your Feature & Follow down in the comments below and I'll surely drop by!


  1. Nice to meet ya! :) I can't say I've had any recurring dreams - which I guess is nice, as most people seem to be talking about recurring nightmares today, which sounds awful :(

    Twitter and Bloglovin follower :)

  2. Here's hoping it doesn't happen again any time soon, because that one would creep me out. Old follower.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress' FF

  3. Definitely doesn't sound fun. Old follower. Check out my FF!

  4. Luckily I rarely remember my dreams. New follower on gfc, bloglovin', and twitter :)
    Tishia @ Paperback Opinion
    My FF: http://paperbackopinion.blogspot.com/2015/04/feature-follow-friday.html

  5. I feel like all the reoccuring dreams we've all had have been nightmares!

    Old follower! (:
