5 May 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #6: Ten Books I Will Probably Never Read

10 Books I will Probably Never Read

I am not usually the kind of person who would say that I am never ever gonna read a book, I love reading widely and I would even occasionally read genres that I am not a fan of (ie. thriller, mystery and horror). HOWEVER, there are some authors or series that I have tried and they are just not for me so obviously I wouldn't force myself to read the rest of the series or the rest of the author's works.

I tried to list books that I've not really talked about on the blog.
The Sin Eater's Daughter: This has way too many negative reviews so I am not even going to try.

The Geography of You and Me: I recently read This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith and it was underwhelming. From the reviews I see on Goodreads, I would probably enjoy this even less. I did enjoy The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight though, do check it out if you are looking for a good contemporary romance. :)

Fallen: I think I am too old for this series now, it just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Also, the summary makes the book sound so predictable. Meh.

Angels and Demons: So a really really long time ago, when The Da Vinci Code was getting all the hype, I bought the box set. I read The Da Vinci Code thinking that it was the first book in the series (I am not the only one who thought that right?) and then I tried getting into Angels and Demons but I just couldn't do it. A) I was very confused because I honestly thought this was book #2 and it was not making any sense. B) The Da Vinci Code was really exciting with all the code cracking and what not while Angels and Demons was a set-up book so the pacing was a big problem. This happened at least 6 years ago and the books are still on my shelf, getting yellower by the day. I MIGHT read this in the future...

Warning: Unpopular opinion up ahead
Beautiful Series: Bleagh. I read Beautiful Disaster and gosh the romance in it was SO unhealthy and disgusting. This is very similar to Fifty Shades but with better writing. While it was entertaining in the guilty-pleasure kinda way, I can't imagine reading more about the relationship.

The Selection Series: HYPE MONSTA! The Selection was super boring for me and the girls in it were a bunch of bimbos just sitting around all day. Cringe. I would've probably enjoyed this as an early teen. Now that the 4th book is out, I am actually quite tempted to continue with this because I've pretty much forgotten how annoying the first book was (I read it 3 years ago) and sometimes you just need a good laugh. At the book, that is. Not because its comedy.

Where She Went: I know everyone LOVES If I Stay but honestly? It was so boring. And I personally think that if a 200 page book is boring, it does not deserve more than 2 stars. I know everyone raves about all the feels and blablabla but I didn't even care if she actually stayed, I just wanted the flashbacks to stop. So yea, I am not going anywhere near the sequel.

Pushing the Limits: The covers. I can't get over how ugly they are. Is the story better than the covers?

Hollow City: I didn't get the first book at all and I DNF it so obviously I am not reading the next one in the series. I read the first book when it was just released in 2011 and up till now, I remember it as one of the lousiest book I've read. There, I said it. This is easily one of the most overhyped series out there.

The Maze Runner series: I've seen so many mixed reviews about this series and I've decided not to read it since I really enjoyed the movie and don't feel the need to know more about the story or characters.

Hope you enjoyed this post! :)
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Should I change my mind about any of these?
Feel free to share links to your TTT  in a comment below!


  1. Good choice on not reading The Sin Eater's Daughter. I wish I never read it. I really loved The Maze Runner, though. You should give The Selection series a chance, they aren't really all bimbos. Trust me. Even the girls you hate, you'll end up caring about. It does become more of a dystopian revolution as the series progresses, too. It's worth giving another chance. I barely remember Fallen and I haven't read the rest.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. I am tempted to give The Selection another chance (there has to be a reason for its popularity) but I will go into it pretty skeptical and it might affect my reading experience so I am a little conflicted here.

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I also picked up bit never finished the Selection, too much sexism and not enough plot for that book. Awesome Post!
    Check out my Top Ten Tuesday

  3. I think I'll be the same way with The Selection series. It's so hyped and it seems like it would seriously annoy me.

    Vicarious Caytastrophe

  4. The Selection was on my list too. The main character's name being America Singer is not a good sign! I would recommend The Maze Runner though, the book is better than the cover!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/top-ten-tuesday-3/
