Amazing! I loved it a lot and it is probably one of my favourites, I highly recommend it.
A book worth purchasing.
I enjoyed this book and would definitely continue the series if it is part of one. I would also check out the other books by the author.
A book worth purchasing if you have some extra cash.
It was interesting enough and I liked reading it but it probably had a couple of minor flaws. May continue reading the series and may check out the other books by the author.
A book worth purchasing if it is on sale otherwise you should just borrow it.
Meh. There was hardly anything likable, major flaws. Would not continue the series (unless it improves) and will not check out other books by the author.
A book worth purchasing if it costs a dollar. Borrow it if you are really curious.

Hated it, probably gave up on it.
Don't waste your time.
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