11 April 2012

WWW Wednesdays #2 (11 April 2012)

WWW WEDNESDAYS from shouldbereading 

What you're currently reading: The Emerald City by J.A. Beard 
I am at about page 90 and it is getting better! This is for a much younger audience than I expected and it is a little cheesy for my tastes though.

What did you recently finish reading: Divergent by Veronica Roth

What do you think you will read next: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

I haven't gotten around to reading the books I mentioned in my previous WWW but I am getting around to it! This is a short read, so I thought why not. :)


  1. I loved Divergent & can't wait for Insurgent to come out!

    The Statistical Probability of Love as First Sight sounds interesting but I saw mixed reviews on Goodreads which has made me a bit hesitant - hope you enjoy it though and I'll keep my eye out for your review!

    My WWW for the week: http://www.teadaydreamsandfairytales.com/2012/04/www-wednesday-2/

  2. Statistical Probability is so cute! I read it in just a couple of hours as I didn't want to put it down. I really enjoyed it and hope that you do as well.

    My WWW Wednesday is here.

  3. Hi!
    You can find my WWW here: http://www.peekabook.it/2012/04/www-wednesday-apr11.html


  4. I've seen alot of people reading Divergent. I will have to check it out:)

    Here's My WWW Wed:



  5. I like your www wednesday. Can't say I now your fist book, and the other books as well. But I hope you enjoy them :D


    If you like to see my www wednesday http://me-andmybooks.blogspot.com/2012/04/www-wednesdays-2.html

    1. The first book is by a self-published author so its less known. Thank you! :)

  6. Great choices. I still have yet to read Divergent and The Statistical Probability. Looking forward to that review. Here's my WWW: http://meganm922.blogspot.com/2012/04/www-wednesdays_11.html

  7. I finally picked up Divergent! Your books look good!

  8. I am so excited waiting to read Divergent. I've heard that it's fabulous!

    Hope you can swing by my WWW Wednesday post.
