20 May 2012

In My Mailbox #5 (May 20th)

IN MY MAILBOX from thestorysiren
Every week you share the books you received that week...ones you bought, or got at the library, and ones that you received to review on the blog. That way you could mention titles that might not otherwise get some face-time on you blog.


I saw The Lover's Dictionary here: Jessica @ Simply Infatuated IMM post and I just had to get it! I've heard so much about The Hunt and The Glimpse and I am really thrilled to get my hands on it. I got City of Lost Souls to complete my collection of The Mortal Instruments, will eventually get the paperback once I see it in stores around here. Fury by Shirley Marr has such a great cover, I just couldn't resist!!!

Library books:
Someone needs to forcefully remove my library card from me. I.CANT.STOP.BORROWING. It really doesn't help that I have quite a few books that have their datelines coming up. :(
I realised after borrowing these that they are all DYSTOPIAN! Hmm, I hope I don't get sick of this genre anytime soon...
Bumped: I have the ebook version but I saw this hardcover at the library, so why not!
The Killables: Sounds really cool and I am intrigued by the cover.
Uglies: This has been on my TBR pile for the longest time, so excited to read this one!!!

P.S. All book covers on Bursting Books are click-able and will redirect you to its Goodreads page.


  1. Fury looks amazing! Adding it to my list :)

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

    1. Its one of the most gorgeous covers I've seen! :)

      Thanks for dropping by!

  2. Glimpse has definitely been on my TBR list!! And I still need to get through the other books of The Mortal Instruments before I can get to City of lost souls, so I'm looking forward to that!!
    hehe and better return those books before you get a big fat fine!! One day when we're all rich we can buy all the books we want ;)

    1. Hahah yes, I'd better return them soon. I've been paying quite a bit of book fines this year. :P

      One day when we're all rich we can buy all the books we want ;) Every bookworm's dream!

  3. Ooh The Hunt! Want want want want want. Hope you enjoy!! :)

    My IMM

  4. I really want to read Bumped and Glimpse. I haven't even started The Mortal Instruments yet, though I really need to. All of these books look good and I hope you enjoy everything! Happy reading! :)

    1. I can't wait to read both of them. Thanks for dropping by! :)

  5. Oh, awesome mailbox :D The Hunt is so good. <3 so is City of Lost Souls :D Hope you enjoy them all ;)
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  6. You will definitely love Uglies! And if you don't, well.. I'll have to hunt you down! I like the new cover, too. Thanks for stopping by earlier today. Following you!


    1. I KNOW I am going to love it! :) Yes the new covers for the series is a lot prettier. Thanks for following!

  7. Ooh I've heard really great things about The Glimpse although I haven't yet read it myself-- hope you enjoy everything you got in this week and thanks for stopping by to see me earlier on the blog! ;)

    ~Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  8. I have The Lover's Dictionary and City of Lost Souls on my tbr pile too :) And Scott Westerfeld's series isn't too bad!

    Thank you for stopping by! And New Follower :)
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  9. The Lover's Dictionary is so, so, so very good. I can't recommend it enough to everyone. Just don't read it too quickly or you might not enjoy it. It's a "pause and give thought" kind of book.

    1. I am looking forward to reading it! :) Thanks for the heads up!

  10. I love the cover of The City of Lost Souls! I really need to catch up on the series! I read Uglies awhile back and it was pretty good I need to catch up on that series as well =) I hope you enjoy everything and thanks for checking out my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books
